Major events at Dharma Drum Mountain in 2017
For 2017, Dharma Drum Mountain chose “Bring Blessings and Wisdom Home” as the theme of the year, to urge people to practice Buddhist compassion and wisdom for peace of mind and family, thus growing in meritorious blessings and wisdom. Master Sheng Yen launched the Six Ethics of the Mind movement, and 10 years on DDM has been promoting the movement by exploring its various dimensions, including family, school, and workplace ethics. The Jinshan Eco-friendly Memorial Garden on Dharma Drum Mountain has been in use for 10 years, and the practice of natural burial has become increasingly accepted in Taiwan society. Launched 15 years ago, the grants for needy students have helped nearly 40,000 students overcome their financial difficulties and facilitated their study.

Major Events at Dharma Drum Mountain

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