Master Sheng Yen’s Naughty Childhood (5) –The Buffalo Under the Bridge
As a child, Master Sheng Yen witnessed horrific scenes of devastating floods. At the time, this made him ponder why life was full of so many uncertainties, seeing the river’s ruthlessness and life’s fragility.
In the fifth episode, he often dreamed of being swept away by floodwaters. So in face of the situation when he had to cross a stream, he was often so overwhelmed by the fear that he simply didn’t know what to do. He wanted to run away from it, only to find himself become more and more scared. In the end, how would Baokang overcome this fear and bravely face up to the shadow of the past that had haunted him when it came to crossing the river? Let this episode bring us back to Master Sheng Yen’s childhood days, and see how he made use of the “Dharma treasure” to find the courage and power of peace of mind.

Master Sheng Yen’s Naughty Childhood

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