DDM Abbot President New Year Address for 2020 : Nurture Blessings, and You Will Be Blessed
For the year 2020, Dharma Drum Mountain has chosen “Nurture blessings, and you will be blessed” as its annual theme, inviting people to explore their inner treasure mountains and cultivate their merit-fields.

DDM abbot president Ven. Guo Huei urges the public to develop a grateful mind that knows to be content, thereby bringing peace to self and others, as a way to nurture blessings for ourselves. At the same time we should make good wishes and happily practice the action of giving, to cultivate good relations with others, for the benefit of all.

For the new year, let us all vow to change ourselves by starting with the mind, counting our blessings while acting for the benefit of others, thereby creating happiness and well-being for all people in the world. That way, we will truly be blessed.


Chinese New Year Addresses

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